Saturday, March 24, 2012


Presented by FibreEssence, Wearable Arts Vancouver, and the Seymour Gallery, Deep Cove
Whatever the weather is like on April 1 this year, you’ll feel like spring has arrived in Deep Cove, North Vancouver when the artists of Art in Fashion show their wares at this one day event.
A fundraiser for the Seymour Gallery, The Art of Fashion will take place in 3 locations on Gallant Avenue in Deep Cove: The Seymour Gallery itself, the neighbouring Artemis Studio and Gallery, and the Cove Creek Gallery just up the street.
18 artists will present artwear and accessories throughout the afternoon, with a fashion parade at 2:30. Prepare to fall in love with handmade lace pendants, or exquisite silver necklaces, sumptuous silk tops and luxurious wool jackets. Felted and knitted, hand dyed, printed and sewn, garments, scarves, hats, bags and jewelry. To complete your pleasure, there will be a proper afternoon tea offered at the Seymour, for just $5.00.
Google the location of the Seymour Art Gallery on Gallant Avenue, Norht Van., and join us as we welcome spring with warmth and colour in the Cove. 

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